The semi top-down is a construction method for the underground portion of high-rise buildings, utilizing a top-down approach. In this method, the diaphragm wall, floor slab, and kingpost system play a crucial role in supporting the structure. Before starting the construction of the basement, the diaphragm wall (which will later serve as the enclosure for the entire basement) and bored piles are installed first. The basement is then excavated from top to bottom, with floors being supported by temporary steel columns (kingposts) fixed into the top of the bored piles. Excavation and material transportation are done through openings in the floors, which are sealed only after the final basement floor is completed, following a bottom-up sequence.
Advantages of the semi top-down method:
However, there are some limitations to the semi top-down method:
The semi top-down method is effectively applied to projects with deep basements (greater than 3 basement levels).
The construction sequence of semi top-down for a 3-basement project is shown in the Fig. 1.
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